Date: TBD
The Spell-a-Thon is a long tradition at our school.
This fun and educational event gives students a fantastic opportunity to support their school! The Spell-a-Thon combines academic activity and fundraising. Our children will be challenged to expand their spelling prowess, while at the same time raising funds to bolster our school’s enriched academic offerings. These offerings include the art, library, music, drama, gardening, physical education, and field trips!
This year we are again using an on-line pledge system, which will enable you to send pledge requests to your family and friends near and far. Your child(ren) will get their own website and you can track all your pledges on-line. Everyone will be able to pay on-line through Paypal, or you can still turn in checks & cash at the school.
Please visit www.PledgeStar.com/playadelrey to sign up!
Remember, there will be fabulous prizes for everyone!
Collect pledge money between October 8-23, and turn collected money in by Wednesday, October 23, 2019 to your child's teacher.
Click here for a complete list of all classroom Spell-a-Thon lists. (There is a separate page for each classroom so scroll through the document. )
Click here for the Spell-a-Thon pledge form